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A statement from the Vice-Chancellor: Ukrainian crisis

Thursday 24 February 2022

24th February 2022

"Solent University will always seek to defend human rights, freedom and democracy. We are concerned and saddened by the developing situation in Ukraine and will continue to put the welfare of all our staff and students at the heart of what we do by providing support as appropriate.

If you are worried about and affected in any way by the Ukrainian crisis, in the first instance please speak to your manager or P&D business partner if you are a member of our staff, or to Student Hub if you are a student."

Professor Karen Stanton

How you can help:

  • Southampton's local Polish club are taking donations of money and/or supplies to send to refugee campus. Visit their Facebook page for more info. or make a donation
  • Shirley Parish Hall, St James Road in Shirley, will have a donation box on Sunday 6 March between 2-4pm. Items that could benefit are: bandages, plasters, medical supplies, baby wipes, baby food, personal hygiene items, sanitary products, disposable cups, plates, cutlery, dried or canned foods.

  • If you live closer to the New Forest, Harveys in Hythe are also taking donations.

  • CRY have been supporting projects serving marginalised children and families across Ukraine for the last 25 years. They are now raising funds to aid in the provision of essential supplies and transport to safety. Find out more >

  • There will be a collection point at Hedge End Salvation Army Church and Community Centre on Friday 4 March, 9am-6pm. They're looking for blankets, hygiene essentials, antiseptic products, tinned/dried food and baby items. (No clothes please.)
    [Monday 7 March - 37 pallet-loaded crates of goods collected and will be shipped to Poland. Listen to BBC Sounds at 3:35:40.]

  • The Polish community in Bournemouth are also collecting donations for Ukrainian refugees. Items can be dropped off at the Food Plus Shop on Christchurch Road. Find out more >

  • Monetary donations are being accepted via theBigGive and are being match funded.

  • The wholefoods grocery shop, Rice Up, on Hanover Buildings road in Southampton is taking donations. There is a crate by the door as you go in. Donations are taken by staff to the Polski Klub in Portswood.

  • Disasters Emergency Committee (DEC) are appealing for monetary donations. 

Students from our illustration and graphic design courses are also raising money by selling their artwork, with £1,000 having already been donated to the British Red Cross. Take a look at their Instagram account @solent_cares.22 to see their brilliant work.