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2024/25 Launch of the Researcher Development Programme

Unlock new opportunities for your research development

This academic year, Solent’s Researcher Development Programme (RDP) is set to offer staff a wealth of opportunities to advance their research skills and academic careers. Whether you are an experienced researcher or just beginning, the RDP provides resources and events that will support you at every stage of your journey.

Hosted by the Graduate School, the programme is a vital part of the University’s commitment to research development, available to our entire academic community, including Postgraduate Research (PGR) students and staff.

The RDP consists of two key elements. On SOL, you will find:

  1. Asynchronous Learning Materials
    These materials are based on Vitae's Researcher Development Framework, giving you a structured approach to planning your professional growth as a researcher.

  2. Live Events
    Our live events are delivered by academic colleagues, the Research Office, and external speakers. The sessions are divided into five main strands:

    • Methods: Focused on specific research methods and techniques (open to all).
    • Research Processes: Covering essential skills such as securing funding and publishing in open access journals (open to all).
    • Creative Practice: Designed for those involved in practice-based or creative research (open to all).
    • Supervision: Mandatory training and drop-in sessions for PhD and MRes supervisors, or those looking to become supervisors (for supervisors only).
    • PGR-Focused Events: Dedicated to helping PGR students navigate their research journey and prepare for their post-study careers (for PGR students only).

The schedule for live events can be found under the 'Researcher Development Events' tab on SOL. This is a live document, so be sure to check regularly for updates and to book your place at the upcoming sessions (please dont download it).

PGR Supervisors – encourage your students to engage with the programme and actively plan their development. This is a great opportunity for them to build essential research skills.