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Call for papers: Southampton Solent Student Conference 13 June 2025

This conference is exclusive to Southampton Solent University undergraduate, postgraduate, and doctoral students and alumni.

This conference will provide you with a safe and nurturing space to present and discuss your research projects, no matter in what stage of completion.

You will have a chance to listen to keynote speakers from experts and academics in industry who will discuss exciting research ideas.

We are keen to hear from as wide a range of presenters as possible. If your research is completed, we encourage you to submit it for a 20-minute presentation or a poster. In-development research projects will also have a chance to be presented as a poster.

There are awards for the best paper and the best poster presented at the conference.

How to contribute

Please send the following details to or with the subject 'Student Conference Presentation/Poster [delete as appropriate]'.  

Offers of poster (for completed projects/in-development projects)

Please provide:

  • A three-point summary of the poster, e.g.

the purpose of the investigation,

data collection approach,

main findings/expected findings.

  • Each point should be no longer than 50 words, total submission should be under 150 words.
  • Provide the title of the poster, the authors’ names, and lead author email address.

Offers of 20-minute presentation (for completed projects)

An abstract is required. The submission should consist of the following formatted as 12-point font, Calibri, single line spacing and full justification.

Please include:

  • the title of the paper,
  • the authors’ name(s) (if more than one, the author presenting the paper should be underlined),
  • the email address of the author giving the paper, and
  • an abstract of no more than 250 words that discusses core the research question, methodology and findings, with some emphasis of original contributions.

Note: At this stage, we only need the abovementioned outline from you, we will get in touch with you once your submission is accepted to outline details of final poster/presentation format.

All submissions should be sent as Word documents.

Submission deadline

Send an email stating your wish to contribute to or to by midnight on 2 May 2025

A detailed outline of the programme will be sent out soon after the deadline.

Any questions/queries can be sent by email to organisers. We will endeavour to answer as soon as possible.