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Narrating Creative Regions: Southampton Solent University Leading Regional Creative Growth

The event showcased the University's leadership in bringing together city councils, local government, and university partners to develop a strategic vision for the region’s creative economy.

Creative regions symposium

As the host and a key driver of this initiative, Southampton Solent University played a crucial role in facilitating discussions and shaping an action-oriented roadmap to strengthen regional collaboration in the context of devolution.

Solent University: Driving the Future of the Creative Economy

The symposium reaffirmed Southampton Solent University’s commitment to acting as a central hub for research, innovation, and policy development in the creative industries. The university is leading efforts to foster collaboration between local authorities, businesses, and creative practitioners, ensuring that devolution delivers tangible benefits to the regional economy.

Carolyn Abel, Head of Culture & Tourism at Southampton City Council, highlighted the opportunities devolution brings in creating stronger partnerships with universities to shape policies that maximise regional creative potential.

Dom Jinks, Head of Creative Industries and Economy at the University of Exeter, reinforced the value of university-led research and knowledge exchange in ensuring that city councils have the tools and insights needed to drive investment and job creation.

Carys Bradley-Roberts & Laura Sinclair from Cardiff University’s Centre for the Creative Economy demonstrated how university-city partnerships in Wales have successfully leveraged funding and policy innovation to establish a thriving creative economy.

Workshop: Turning Insights into Action

As part of the symposium, Southampton Solent University played a key role in leading a workshop facilitated by Simon Brooks from the University of Portsmouth. The session identified key areas where universities and city councils must collaborate more effectively, including:

  • Aligning Devolution Strategies: Ensuring that university research directly informs city council policies and regional development plans.
  • Building a Creative Data Hub: Southampton Solent University is working towards establishing a regional creative economy knowledge base to support informed decision-making.
  • Enhancing Skills and Workforce Development: Universities are central to talent retention and development, ensuring the creative sector remains competitive.
  • Developing a Unified Regional Identity: Solent University is taking a leading role in defining a cohesive creative brand for the Central South region.
Creative regions symposium

Next Steps: Solent University’s Commitment to Regional Growth

As the host institution and a driving force behind these discussions, Southampton Solent University will continue to lead efforts to integrate research, education, and policy innovation into the regional creative economy strategy. The university is committed to:

  • Establishing dedicated research partnerships with local councils to inform future policy decisions.
  • Developing funding and investment pathways that bring creative businesses and city councils together.
  • Creating training and skills programmes to prepare the next generation of creative industry professionals.


We extend our gratitude to all speakers, workshop facilitators, and attendees for making Narrating Creative Regions such a successful event. A special thank you to Charles Freeman and Creative Network South for their continued partnership.

Through its leadership, Southampton Solent University is shaping the future of the Central South’s creative economy, ensuring that the benefits of devolution are realised through effective collaboration and innovation.

Creative regions symposium