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Memorial quilt

University hosts 'Speak Their Name' memorial quilt

Southampton Solent University is honoured to host the Hampshire and Isle of Wight “Speak Their Name” Suicide Memorial Quilt again in March.

TW: This article contains references to suicide.

The Quilt is currently touring public spaces in Hampshire and the Isle of Wight, providing a space to remember those who have died, while provoking conversations and raising awareness about suicide loss and the profound effect it has on so many.

The Speak Their Name movement seeks to support those bereaved by suicide and the Memorial Quilt forms an ongoing and powerful artwork. Each square of the quilt has been created by someone who has lost a loved one to suicide, and captures the essence of, or something meaningful about, the person who died.

Organisers of the Hampshire and Isle of Wight Speak Their Name Memorial Quilt, Beeb Deacon and Lara Kynvin, first connected through the suicide bereavement and suicide prevention work they are both involved in and unveiled the Quilt in September 2024, having been inspired by the Memorial Quilts created by groups in Manchester and Yorkshire.

Beeb Deacon says “The intention behind the Quilt tour is to raise awareness that there is no obvious demographic for suicide, and that it can happen to anyone at any time. The Quilt seeks to challenge the stigma that often surrounds suicide and provide a space to honour those affected.”

Director of Student Success at Southampton Solent University, Tania Struetzel, says:

While this is a difficult topic, it is important that we talk openly about it, and create a culture where both students and staff can speak about their mental health. Hosting this exhibition, particularly at this time of year, serves as an important reminder to check in with those around you. It also provides a starting point for important conversations about mental health, loss and suicide prevention work."

In total, 61 individual deaths have been memorialised on the Quilt and new squares are being created which will be added to make a third panel in the new year. If anyone wants to know more about making a square to remember someone, they are welcome to write to Lara and Beeb on

The Memorial Quilt was first displayed at the University in December 2024 and will be returning in March 2025. The Quilt will be displayed in the Library Foyer of Southampton Solent University from Monday 3 March until Monday 10 March 2025, and members of the public are welcome to visit the Quilt whilst it is in residence.

If you are affected by this topic and need support, you can contact the Samaritans at 116 123 (free phone). They operate a 24-hour service available every day of the year. If you prefer writing down your feelings, or if you’re worried about being overheard on the phone, you can email them at