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Ofsted judge Solent Apprenticeships to be ‘Good’ in all areas

The Inspection took place between 21 and 24 January and was carried out by six Ofsted Inspectors.

Solent’s Apprenticeship provision covers a wide range of sectors and vocations and the inspection was focused on 8 of our programme areas, including nursing, senior leadership, engineering and construction, all of which were examined by the Inspection team.

The Apprenticeships team prepared presentations and tours of the site for the inspectors, working with others around the university to make sure everything went as smoothly as possible.

Inspectors collected a wide range of evidence to inform judgements, including visiting learning sessions, scrutinising learners’ work, seeking the views of learners, staff and other stakeholders, and examining the provider’s documentation and records.

The Ofsted report will be published shortly and we will then share it with staff.

Key findings included:

  • Academic staff were judged to be knowledgeable.
  • Learning environments were found to be safe, supportive and well equipped.
  • Students’ clinical skills (e.g. wound dressing, taking blood) were effectively assessed in safe medical simulation sites.
  • Partnerships between the University, businesses and industry experts were positive and benefitted apprentices. The University’s partnership with Heathrow Airport and the real world experience that apprentices gained from this partnership was praised specifically. Read more > 
  • The curriculum is logical and enables apprentices to develop their understanding of their theoretical knowledge before practical application in industry.
  • Leaders support apprentices to overcome barriers or challenges to their learning and assist apprentices to access opportunities and consider their career plans from the outset.

We would like to congratulate all staff involved in the Inspection and we are incredibly proud of the way apprentices are supported and encouraged to reach their full potential by the committed and highly specialist teaching team.