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Room bookings

The following guidelines apply to all students who wish to book University rooms, which include all on and off site facilities. All bookings will refer back to the general conditions for the letting of University facilities.

General bookings should be booked seven days in advance where possible. Students should email their room booking requests with a detailed explanation as to the activity taking place in the room, along with a signed copy of the terms and conditions form, found below, to

Room booking terms and conditions form

Once the room booking has been approved, students will be emailed confirmation of the booking, including a unique event id that should be quoted back to if the event is subsequently cancelled or amended.

Guidelines for booking a room

  1. Specialist rooms must be booked via the methods explained at your course inductions.
  2. Conference suites are not bookable to students.
  3. Depending on the type of activity for which the room is being used, students may be asked to complete a risk assessment form before confirmation of a booking can be made.
  4. EPT rooms can be booked Monday to Friday from 9am-9pm and 9am-5pm at the weekends, during term time. SM rooms can be booked Monday to Friday 9am-6pm. The use of rooms after 9pm on weekdays and 5pm on weekends is not permitted and individuals must vacate before that time.
  5. The University reserves the right to move bookings when necessary.
  6. The University reserves the right to refuse bookings at its absolute discretion.
  7. Organisers of clubs and societies officially recognised by Solent Students’ Union can request room bookings via the Students’ Union. Once approved, details of the booking requests will be forwarded to TAR. Details for the use of space are to be clearly defined in the email and should not contravene any of the general conditions of lettings.
  8. Charity fundraising events will only be permitted if it is an integral part of the student’s course. Students will need to provide full details of the activities planned to generate donations and must comply with the University’s health and safety and insurance regulations, particularly in respect of the selling of goods for consumption. Only pre-packaged food or beverages will be permitted for sale. Pre-packaged is defined as having been bought from a recognised food supplier in pre-sealed packaging.
  9. University clubs or societies who wish to fundraise will not be permitted to do so on University premises but will be directed to the Students’ Union for space.
  10. Cancellations should always be notified to the timetabling and rooming team as soon as they become apparent.
  11. Students are responsible for any re-arrangement of the rooms, which must be returned to the original layout before vacating. Failure to do so will remove the privilege of making further bookings.
  12. The student making the booking will be held responsible for any damage to the room or its contents, including the removal of all litter.
  13. It is the responsibility of the student booking the rooms to ensure that health and safety regulations are observed and those evacuation procedures are understood by everyone present.
    - Fire evacuation procedures must be adhered to at all times.
    - First aid emergency assistance can be reached on ext. 3700 at EPT and ext. 4200 at Warsash.
    - The facilities team has the authority to ask you to vacate a room when necessary.
  14. General room allocation by the timetabling and rooming team does not include specialist equipment. Any requirement for audiovisual equipment etc, in a non-specialist room, must be arranged directly with the ICT Service Desk on ext. 2345 or email: