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Complaints and appeals

Student disciplinary procedure

This relates to making a complaint about the conduct of a student.

Student disciplinary procedure

Declaration of criminal convictions policy

An explanation of University policy for the declaration of criminal convictions. This includes what to do if you have a criminal conviction that has not already been declared to Solent University or if you have incurred a conviction whilst studying at the University.

Declaration of criminal convictions

Office of the Independent Adjudicator

Under the Higher Education Act 2004 the University subscribes to the independent scheme for the review of student complaints. 

If you are dissatisfied with the outcome of an appeal, complaint or disciplinary you may be able to apply for a review of this to the Office of the Independent Adjudicator for Higher Education (OIA) providing that the complaint you take to the OIA is eligible under its Rules. You must have competed the University's internal procedures prior to taking any complaint to the OIA.

The OIA publishes Annual Statements setting out the complaints record of all providers within the OIA Scheme. The University's can be accessed here.

Office for Students

The Office for Students (OfS) operates a free speech complaints scheme. Under that scheme, the OfS can review complaints about free speech from members, students, staff, applicants for academic posts and (actual or invited) visiting speakers. Information about the complaints that the OfS can review is available on its website.