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Student timetables

The timetabling and rooming (TAR) team oversees the timetabling and allocation of rooms for the University. 

CMISGo timetabling application

CMISGo is Solent University's timetabling application which allows staff and students to view their academic teaching timetables via the timetabling application

Find out more about how to view and interpret your timetable

Student timetables can also be accessed using the MyDay app.

For enquiries regarding your individual timetable, please read this page in the first instance. For any other queries, please contact:

For students studying at East Park Terrace (EPT)
Please email the address below. (For enquiries about course timetables, please wait until mid-August. Please note that individual student timetables will not be available until mid-September)
Tel: 023 8201 5024

For students studying at Warsash
Tel: 023 8201 5006

For any other queries, contact the Student Hub
Tel: 023 8201 2022

Viewing a course timetable in CMISGo

Please read the guide below for more information on viewing a course level timetable in CMISGo.

Viewing a course level timetable in CMISGo

Viewing an individual timetable 

Your individual timetable is available online and can be accessed via CMISGo, Solent’s timetabling application. Student timetables can also be viewed using the MyDay app.

To access CMISGo, go to the Portal apps page and choose ‘Timetable’. You’ll then need to enter your Solent email address and network password. Your current week’s individual timetable will be displayed by default.

Your individual timetable shows you the teaching sessions you must attend. It should include your core and any optional units associated to the course year you’re studying on. Every effort is made to ensure a full and engaging timetable is achieved.

It does not permit you to select a particular seminar group that you may wish to attend.

Mobile access to timetables

Your timetable can be accessed using the MyDay app. If you experience any issues using the app then please use our automated help system Student help. Any queries regarding your timetable should be emailed to

Cancelled and rescheduled classes

The University is committed to providing an excellent teaching and learning experience and believes the provision of face to face contact sessions are fundamental to enabling students to benefit from their educational experience at Solent.

The University also recognises the importance of well publicised and stable timetables to the student experience.

Consequently, the University will endeavour to avoid cancelling or rescheduling classes wherever possible.

However, there are some circumstances where cancelled and rescheduled classes are unavoidable, eg, adverse weather conditions, sudden staff illness, major transport hold-ups, equipment failure and other unplanned and unpredicted events.

Cancelled classes

Where a member of staff, due to circumstances beyond their control, is unable to take a class at the scheduled time, the University will endeavour to:

  • Provide a face to face session with another member of staff on a topic relevant to the unit/course,
  • Where it is not possible to substitute a member of staff, the University will reschedule the class for another time and update the timetabling system to reflect the change, or
  • Where it is not possible to reschedule a class the missed learning opportunity will be covered by means of the provision of additional learning materials to ensure students are not disadvantaged.

By ‘cancelled class’ the University means the cancelling of scheduled teaching sessions which cannot take place at the scheduled time with a member of teaching staff and where the University only informs the students on the day of cancellation.

Students will be notified of cancelled classes between 8am and 1pm. Timetables are updated regularly throughout the day.  It is the responsibility of students to check for changes to their timetables.

Rescheduled classes

Rescheduled classes are where scheduled sessions are moved to a different time/day/location, and where students are informed the day before at the latest.