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Attendance monitoring

At Solent, we are committed to supporting you during your studies, and by improving how we record your attendance we can provide you with the right support, at the right time.

With this in mind, all students should record their attendance using Check-In. You will record your attendance via an app by entering a six-digit code or scanning a QR code presented by your lecturer. Attendance can also be updated manually by the lecturer if required.

The University expects you to attend all of your timetabled teaching sessions. We monitor your attendance as we know that consistent attendance is closely linked to good academic performance, so it is in your best interests to attend each class if you want to be successful in your studies.

We are also required to report student attendance to external bodies such as UK Visas and Immigration in respect to our overseas students. However, the most important reason we monitor attendance is because we are committed to supporting you during your studies.

Poor attendance is often the first indicator that you may be experiencing personal problems that are affecting your ability to study. You may sometimes be reluctant to let us know when you are struggling and may tell us too late for us to be able to help you complete your studies successfully.

During the year, you may receive emails from us updating you on your attendance so you should monitor the Check-In app via your MySolent app regularly to ensure your attendance has been recorded accurately.

Why you receive and how to respond to an email

If your attendance falls below certain levels (as described below) you will receive emails from us to ensure you are ok, and to ask whether you need any support with your studies.



PGR (MRes)

WMA cadets, OOWs

Stage 1

Response needed

No attendance at scheduled lectures for 14 days (full-time students) and 28 days (part-time students).

No record of supervisor meetings for 14 days (full-time students) and 28 days (part-time students).

Lower than 80% attendance for 7 days.

Stage 2

Potentially withdrawal

No attendance at scheduled lectures for a further 14 days (full-time students) and 28 days (part-time students).

No record of supervisor meetings for a further 14 days (full-time students) and 28 days (part-time students).

Lower than 80% attendance for a further 7 days.

Stage 3


No attendance at scheduled lectures for a further 7 days (full-time students) and 14 days (part-time students).

No record of supervisor meetings for a further 7 days (full-time students) and 14 days (part-time students).

Lower than 80% attendance for a further 7 days.


Your course leader or the Student Hub

Your supervisor

Your course leader or cadet liaison officer

Apprenticeship students attendance will be monitored outside of the above processes.

Getting started

Watch the videos below to help you get started using the system, if you have any questions please see the FAQs. For all other attendance queries please email or visit the Student Hub.

Check-In video Check In training video for students_default.mp4 (  

Campus card

Students should always have their campus card on them to ensure they can access both the campus buildings and the classrooms.

Supporting your attendance

The University has a wide range of support services available and by monitoring attendance, we hope to be able to identify students who need support at an early stage. We can then discuss with you what sort of assistance might be the most appropriate and we can put this in place as soon as possible.

If your attendance is a cause of concern the University will contact you to discuss the lack of participation with your course. Ultimately, students who fail to improve their attendance, or meet with academic staff to discuss their poor attendance may find that they are withdrawn from their course.

If you have any issues or concerns that are impacting on your ability to attend class, please contact the Student Hub. The hub will be able to advise you on a wide range of issues and will direct you onto additional services who may be able to put some additional support in place for you.


How does the University monitor my attendance?

Your attendance is monitored electronically via a digital system called Check-In, this system requires the lecturer to present a 6-digit code or QR code and you will be required to enter this via the Check-In app via your MySolent app or via Check-In via the student portal apps page. If you fail to enter this via Check-In your attendance will not be recorded accurately. Attendance can also be updated manually in class by the lecturer if required. Attendance records will not be altered after a class has taken place.

What is the intervention process adopted by the University?

The University expects you to attend all timetabled sessions and to be punctual for every class. You can track your attendance by using the Check-In attendance app on the Portal. You may also receive emails to give you feedback on your recent attendance.

If your attendance has fallen below the level required, you will be expected to improve this immediately. Persistent poor attendance may require you to attend a participation interview with a member of staff.

Failure to maintain a consistent attendance level may result in withdrawal from your course. There is a range of support available to help you attend and succeed at Solent, if you have any concerns please contact your course team or visit the Student Hub.

I am experiencing issue with my course - what should I do?

In the first instance please speak to your course team. If they are unable to resolve your issues, speak to the Student Hub who will be able to assist you.

Who should I speak to if I am having personal issues?

Please speak to the Student Hub as there are a number of support teams that can assist you. These cover areas such as disabilities, study skills, health, wellbeing, and financial matters.

How do I submit an absence?

You will need to access Check-In via the MySolent app or via the apps page on the Student Portal >>> You will need to click on the three lines at the top, click on Absence and follow the instructions. You can enter up to 7 calendar days (self-certified). For any absences longer than 7 days, you will be required to submit the appropriate evidence. We only consider absence requests up to 14 calendar days, and in exceptional circumstances up to 4 calendar weeks.

For Warsash students,

if you are going to be absent, you must e-mail and notify both your training manager and your tutor / lecturer. This must be done on a daily basis should the absence continue. Please also ensure that in addition, you register your absence on the attendance app on the portal.

If a student logs an absence, it will still mark them as being absent from the class and will affect their attendance percentage. However, any absences recorded will be taken into account when considering students with low attendance.

I have been away from the University - what should I do?

If you have been away from the University and you have missed learning, please speak to your course team and catch up via Solent Online Learning (SOL). If you have missed assessments, please speak to the Student Hub as soon as possible.

If you have been/will be absent from the University for a long period of time, please contact the Student Hub so they can advise you what you need to do next.

My class is cancelled - does this affect my attendance record?

If your lecturer has notified us that your class is cancelled, this will be removed from your timetable and your attendance will not be affected. If we have not been notified, your attendance record will not be impacted as a lecturer is required to physically generate a code for a class, if the class is not started in Check-In, your attendance at that particular class is just ignored and will not impact your record.

What happens when I'm on teaching activities away from the campus?

If your session is taking place away from campus, your tutor will still be able to show you a QR code or a digital code to register your attendance.

I have too few units showing on the attendance monitoring system - what should I do?

First, ensure you are fully registered on your modules for your course and then contact the Student Hub who will investigate your curriculum associated with your student record.

Please note, the modules not displayed on your timetable will not appear on Check-In so this must be addressed as a priority. 

Will my low attendance performance impact on any decisions made by the assessment board?

No. Decisions regarding your academic performance will be based on the assessments submitted unless it is part of your course requirement to meet a set attendance target.

My employers/sponsors require proof of my attendance - who do I contact to get the information sent?

Please contact the Student Hub requesting the information you require. 

If lectures are back-to-back in the same room, do I need to enter different codes?

If they are timetabled separately, yes you will need to enter a different code for each class. It is important your attendance is recorded correctly against all your timetabled classes and lectures.

I have received an email from the system - do I need to do anything?

Yes, you’ve received an email because you have missed scheduled classes or meetings with your supervisor, and it is important that you reach out and engage with Solent to discuss your non-attendance and to discuss any extra support you may require.

If you have any questions on the email you have received, please contact the Student Hub.