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Solent Sport

As an integral part of the university’s lifestyle, Solent Sport is committed to providing a quality service to all Solent University students, while also supporting the needs of staff, alumni and the local community. 

Our product and service range is carefully designed to maximise sporting opportunities and to underpin the student experience in Southampton. We offer competitive and recreational sport, as well as talented athlete support

Our facilities include award-winning cricket and football venues and development plans are in place to greatly enhance our sporting provision.

These are exciting times for sport at Solent University, and we would like you to be part of it. So, have a browse through the Solent Sport website, and let us know what you would like to get involved in – we are here to cater for all your sporting aspirations.

Looking forward to seeing you,

Martin Nailor
Head of Solent Sport

Coach education courses

Solent University offers an extensive programme of coach education courses as well as a wide range of National Governing Body qualifications (NGB). Courses are open to Solent University staff, students and the general public.

Explore our range

Sport facilities

Our excellent facilities provide our students with the opportunity to play and train in world-class surroundings. 

Explore our facilities