Environment and sustainability
Solent is committed to addressing the challenges resulting from the current climate and ecological crises faced locally, nationally and internationally. We will continue to embed sustainable best practice into our teaching, research and campus operations and through engagement with our university community.
Everyone. Staff, students and visitors can make a positive contribution, or avoid a negative impact to the environment through the individual actions they take.
Solent's Vision
"To be an environmentally sustainable university and one which makes a substantive contribution through its teaching, research and public engagement, to addressing the challenges presented by the climate and ecological crises."
Sustainability team
The University's Health, Safety and Environmental team:
- Kim Pullen - Health, Safety and Environmental Manager kim.pullen@solent.ac.uk
- Michelle Pearce - Health, Safety and Environmental Coordinator michelle.pearce@solent.ac.uk
- Lucy Brown - Health, Safety and Environmental Administrator lucy.brown@solent.ac.uk
Solent Sustainability Group
Solent Sustainability Group (SSG) is the committee that guides the University's sustainability work and ensures we're meeting our environmental commitments and embedding sustainable practices in all areas of the institution. It's made up of representatives from academic departments, professional services, the trade unions and the Students' Union and reports to the Vice Chancellor's Group via the SSG Chair. Read the terms of reference and membership of the committee.
Environmental certification
The University’s Environmental Management System (EMS) brings together all our environmental and sustainability initiatives under one umbrella. The EMS has been awarded ISO14001:2015 certification and EcoCampus Platinum status in recognition of the University’s work on reducing and managing its environmental impacts and continually improving it's environmental performance.
Information on full scope of the EMS and the environmental processes covering our activities and sites is contained within the EMS manual.

Strategy and policies
The Environmental Policy sets out the University's commitments towards the environment. Senior management is responsible for ensuring that the necessary resources are available for the implementation of these commitments on campus.
The University’s approach to sustainability and the environment is detailed in the Environmental and Sustainability Enabling Plan and other key policies, approved by the Management Board.
Some items in the Environmental and Sustainability Strategy are further developed in specific management plans including carbon, travel and biodiversity.
Biodiversity survey and action plan
Other relevant policies and certificates are presented below.
New starters
If you are a new student or member of staff at Solent, please read the environmental information for new starters for a brief introduction on how environment and sustainability are managed at the University, and how you can become involved in environmental initiatives on campus.