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Grants and bursaries

The Student Funding Team administer the following non-repayable grants and bursaries to help fund your studies and support you during your time at Solent.

Applications for all bursaries and grants should be made through the applicant portal/Student Gateway. You will need to click on the red 'Log in using your Solent credentials' button and go to the 'My Finance' section, and then 'Apply for funding' to start a new application.

Step-by-step guide on how to apply through Student Gateway

You will be informed of the outcome of your application to your primary email address. A decision is usually made within 2-3 working weeks of submission. You may be contacted for further information to support your application.

All award payments are made to the bank account details registered in Gateway.

EU students with pre-settlement/international students are not eligible.

The Student Funding team run a daily drop-in via the Student Hub in The Spark building. You can also call us on 023 8201 5200 or email if you have any further questions.