Therapy and mental health support
We hope you enjoy your time at Solent University and would like you to know that the Therapy and Mental Health Team is available to help if you are experiencing difficulties during your time here.
Please remember, if you are finding things difficult it might also be advisable to speak to your GP.
We offer a variety of support, including Talking Therapy (SST, counselling and CBT), groups/workshops, mental health advice and social prescription.
Allocating appointments
We allocate appointments based on your completed self-referral form – please do provide as much detail as you can and provide your availability. Please let us know if you prefer a specific practitioner or if gender is important to you. We cannot guarantee that this will always be possible, but we will try our best to accommodate your preferences.
If you are interested in accessing our therapy and mental health services, please click on the tabs below for more information and complete our online self-referral form.
Students from all backgrounds can access our service. Our staff are trained and experienced in working with issues of diversity including sexuality, gender identity, culture and ethnicity. Though we are likely to be from a different background than our clients, we are happy to discuss any issues of oppression you may experience or the impact that this may be having on the therapeutic relationship.
While students can request to meet with a practitioner they have previously worked with, there may be occasions when we are not able to facilitate this. In these cases, we will allocate you a practitioner based on the information you have provided which best suits your needs.
If you are interested in accessing our therapy and mental health services please click on the tabs below for more information and then complete our online self-referral form.
If you have any difficulties with completing the online form, please email us at (letting us know you are not able to complete the form) so we can provide assistance with this.
Once we have received your completed referral form we will contact you with the offer of an appropriate appointment based on all the information you have been able to provide. Please note, this may mean you are offered an appointment with a different practitioner than your indicated preference. (We will contact you via your University Solent email account).
There may also be some groups running during the academic year dedicated to particular issues. Information about these will be posted on the events section.
Steps 2 Wellbeing may also be able to offer you support. For more information please contact them on 023 8027 2000 or at or go to You could also check out the self-help and other suggested support below.
If you have any questions you are very welcome to contact us at
Any member of staff who is concerned about a student can contact the Therapy and Mental Health team on ext. 3730 or by email at
While we cannot disclose if a student is accessing our service, we can provide general guidance and advice to help support you in your role.
If your matter is urgent you can also contact the student advisers on ext. 5200.