Grants and bursaries
The Student Funding Team administer the following non-repayable grants and bursaries to help fund your studies and support you during your time at Solent.
Applications for all bursaries and grants should be made through the applicant portal/Student Gateway. You will need to click on the red 'Log in using your Solent credentials' button and go to the 'My Finance' section, and then 'Apply for funding' to start a new application.
Step-by-step guide on how to apply through Student Gateway
You will be informed of the outcome of your application to your primary email address. A decision is usually made within 2-3 working weeks of submission. You may be contacted for further information to support your application.
All award payments are made to the bank account details registered in Gateway.
EU students with pre-settlement/international students are not eligible.
The Student Funding team run a daily drop-in via the Student Hub in The Spark building. You can also call us on 023 8201 5200 or email if you have any further questions.
A non-repayable means-tested grant available to students who require a diagnostic assessment, optometrist assessment, DSA contribution or medical evidence fee.
To be eligible, students must be 'Home' fee status, be enrolled on a full time undergraduate or postgraduate course, and have received the maximum maintenance loan/Postgraduate Master's Loan that they are eligible for.
A non-repayable means-tested grant available to students whose circumstances have changed since a prior application and who require a diagnostic assessment, optometrist assessment, DSA contribution or medical evidence fee.
To be eligible students must be 'Home' fee status, be enrolled on a full time undergraduate or postgraduate course and have received the maximum maintenance loan/Postgraduate Master's Loan that they are eligible for.
A non-repayable bursary of £1,500 per academic year is available to students who are care leavers/experienced prior to the start of the course.
To be eligible students must be 'Home' fee status, be enrolled on a full time undergraduate course, aged under 25 on 1 of September of the first day of the course, have been assessed by Student Finance England as independent and have been looked after by any local authority for a period of 13 weeks between the age 14 and before your 18th birthday.
A bursary is available to students who have significant unpaid caring responsibilities for a parent/immediate family member (excluding children).
Eligible students must be 'Home' fee status, be enrolled on a full time undergraduate course, have received the maximum maintenance loan that they are eligible for, and have significant caring responsibilities for a parent or immediate family member who they are either living with or living in close proximity to. The person you are caring for must be receiving PIP.
A non-repayable means-tested grant is available to students whose course has compulsory course costs/FMPs as identified on the course webpage. (Please check on your course page on the Solent website for compulsory course costs under the 'Fees and finance' tab). The grant is a contribution towards the compulsory course costs.
To be eligible students must be 'Home' fee status, enrolled on a full time undergraduate course and have received the maximum maintenance loan that they are eligible for.
Students who are recognised as ‘irreconcilably estranged’ by Student Finance can apply to the University’s estranged student’s bursary for each year of their studies.
A means-tested grant is available to students who require extra financial support to help meet costs which are not already being met from other statutory sources of funding, or who have an unexpected financial crisis.
To be eligible students must be 'Home' fee status, enrolled on a full time undergraduate course, and received the maximum maintenance loan that they are eligible for (you must have received the first loan instalment before applying).
If there has been a significant change in either your income, expenditures or personal circumstances since you submitted your original financial support grant application, you can re-apply for the grant.
A bursary is available to students who have lived in a Foyer Federation hostel or supported accommodation prior to the start of the course.
To be eligible, students must be 'Home' fee status, be enrolled on a full time undergraduate course, aged under 25 on 1 September of the first day of the academic year, have been assessed by SFE as independent, and have lived in a Foyer Federation hostel or supported accommodation.
A means-tested non-repayable bursary of up to £75 is available to assist final year students with the costs of attending their graduation ceremony.
To be eligible, students must be 'Home' fee status, be enrolled on a full time undergraduate course, and have received the maximum maintenance loan that that they are eligible for. Applications will be means tested based on the level of government maintenance loan received.
A non-repayable bursary of £500 per academic year is available to students who are from the Gypsy, Traveller, Roma, Showman and Boater community (GTRSB).
To be eligible students must be 'Home' fee status, be enrolled on a full time undergraduate course, have disclosed GTRSB ethnicity on either the UCAS application or at enrolment, and have an SFE household income assessment of less than £25,000/receive the maximum maintenance loan.
The Local Student Bursary Scheme is entirely funded by alumni (former Solent students), staff and friends of Solent University. Through their donations we support local students with a non-repayable bursary of £1,000. Further details on eligibility can be found on the Solent website.
A non-repayable bursary of £300 is available to students who have dependent children and are in receipt of the Student Finance Parents’ Learning Allowance.
To be eligible students must be 'Home' fee status, enrolled on a full time undergraduate course, have received the maximum maintenance loan that they are eligible for and receiving the Parents’ Learning Allowance.
It is assumed that continuing students will be in employment during the summer vacation. A grant is available to continuing students who receive state benefits or who are unable to work due to caring for dependants, or who have disability/medical or unforeseen circumstances (e.g. bereavement, sudden illness, repeat exams, etc).
To be eligible students must be 'Home' fee status, be enrolled on a full time undergraduate course, and have received the maximum maintenance loan that they are eligible for.
A non-repayable bursary of £400 is available to new year 0 or year 1 students who need financial support to purchase IT equipment.
To be eligible, students must be 'Home' fee status, be enrolled on a full time undergraduate course, have an SFE household income assessment of less than £25,000/receive the maximum maintenance loan and an admissions home postcode address within a Polar 4 Quintile 1 or 2 area.
A non-repayable bursary of £150 is available to students who are living in the private rented sector and paying utility bills (gas and electricity).
To be eligible students must be 'Home' fee status, be enrolled on a full time undergraduate course, have received the maximum maintenance loan, (indicating a parental/spousal income of under £25,000), living in the private rented sector, and have evidence of paying utility bills. Private halls of residence and Solent University halls of residence are excluded.
A contribution is available to students who are or have completed an unpaid placement, volunteering or attended the International Marketing Week. Unpaid placements must be a minimum of 10 working days/100 course hours and up to 20 working days. Full placement years, social work, and nursing placements are not eligible.
To be eligible, students must be 'Home' fee status, be enrolled on a full time undergraduate or postgraduate course, and have received the maximum maintenance loan/Postgraduate Master's Loan that they are eligible for.
A non-repayable bursary of £200 is available to students who are on apprenticeship courses to assist with the costs of attending university. To be eligible students must have home fee status, be enrolled as an apprentice and have a household income under £25000 per annum.
A non-repayable means-tested grant is available to students who require extra financial support to help meet costs which are not already being met from other statutory courses of funding, or who have an unexpected financial crisis.
To be eligible, students must have m fee status, be enrolled on a full-time undergraduate course, and receive the maximum maintenance loan they are eligible for.
Students must have received the first loan instalment before applying.
Please note: EU students with pre-settlement/international students are not eligible to apply.