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Safer Solent

Delivering safeguarding for all learners and students

At Southampton Solent University we are committed to delivering an excellent safeguarding and support provision for all students. Our service will provide a person-centred approach to all of those impacted by a safeguarding concern or at risk of harm. We will listen to the voice of the child or adult and work to build a culture which recognises that safeguarding is everybody’s responsibility.

For more information on our services please email

Safeguarding adults

Safeguarding adults means protecting a person’s right to live in safety, free from abuse and neglect. It is about working alongside the adult to prevent abuse or neglect particularly vulnerable adults with care and support needs or where an adult is a risk of harm or vulnerable to harm due to a set of circumstances, for example the adult has been a victim of a sexual offence or domestic abuse.

Southampton Solent University has a duty of care to deliver its education and pastoral services to a high standard and in carrying out its services and functions to act reasonably to protect the health, safety, and welfare of its learners.

Safeguarding children

Safeguarding children is protecting them from abuse or harm, we can do this by identifying it and acting upon or reporting concerns. Whilst Southampton Solent University primarily provides Education for those learners over age 18, we do have a duty to ensure we work effectively to safeguard children including those who access our Apprenticeship and QAHE provision.

For all our students and learners who wish to seek more information and guidance regarding crime prevention and safeguarding, please visit our SOL pages.